My compelling focus has been to help people find their natural pathways in life.

Every moment of every day you are creating experiences with your focused thought and feelings. If you focus on worry and fear and lack, you will attract those experiences, those “things,” into your life. If you focus on trust, love, and joy, you will attract those experiences as well. Being a well-practiced student of life, I am familiar with the delusions and quandaries of everyday reality that bring us into negativity and low energy living, i.e., feeling depressed, like a failure, unhappy, with meager self-confidence.

Recognizing that you can only start from where you are, we begin here and move with all the “stuff of life”, the traumas, the personality’s suit of armor, for transformation and growth. From here, we utilize the practice modality and tools that meet your needs now in order to engage in the process of growth and healing. Once connected to this process of growth, you begin to honor your innate desires, gain clarity as to who you are, follow your intentions, which allows you to live in greater freedom, joy, and purpose. Staying open to life’s possibilities allows you to let go of life’s impossibilities.


  • Integrative Medicine

    Integrative medicine begins with the conventional Western medicine model of diagnosis and treatment, and integrates other healing traditions and therapies.

  • Psychotherapy

    A prevailing need in psychotherapy is to help a person recognize what one loves, and to help that person let go of what gives one pain.

  • Life Coaching

    The differences between life coaching and psychotherapy can be seen as relative, usually dependent on where you begin.

embrace your wellness

Work with Nancy

Life coaching, psychotherapy, and integrative medicine have evolved naturally from my 40 years of clinical practice which embraces a wellness model. I find it most rewarding to trust and support people believing in themselves, connecting with their natural healing and growth potential, and to help them know their limitless possibilities.