Life Coaching
If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.
- Abraham Maslow
The differences between life coaching and psychotherapy can be seen as relative, usually dependent on where you begin. Commonly, it is said that psychotherapy helps you move on a life functional and qualitative scale somewhere between -10 to 0 and life coaching helps you move forward from 0 to +10. Counseling or psychotherapy helps facilitate deep healing, release psychological pain, rework personality structure, relieve the sense of overwhelm life can bring, help one recover from significant loss, manage difficult relationships and/or move away from addictions. In simple terms, where psychotherapy leaves off, life coaching begins.
According to the International Coach Federation, the coach:
Helps formulate and set realistic and authentic goals
Encourages you to do more than you would alone
Supports you in focusing yourself to produce results more quickly
Provides you with tools, support and structure to accomplish more
For some, the goals may be easier to discover and know than is the action plan that follows. This is where coaching helps you to develop a plan of action and strategy, prioritize, learn skills, unlearn ineffective ones, practice, and stay the course. Tasks are put into manageable pieces in order to stay motivated with its do-ability and minimize procrastination. A life coach helps you explore options, get clear about your barriers and resistance to change, discover alternatives, sort through the feedback, and apply the new learning to the intended goal(s) consistent with your values and beliefs.
People turn to life coaches when their life is going well. They are at a place in life where they want to and often know that they are ready to go beyond where they are, and feel that they could use the support, focus, and accountability the life coach can provide. They know that they no longer need to do the "shoulds" in life, and they are ready to invest in what is becoming more meaningful and uniquely compelling in their life. When the dust clears, it is you discovering you on your own pathway naturally.