"Who am I?"
"What do I want?"
"What do I value?"
"What gives me joy?"
"What is my purpose?
"What do I have to give?"
A prevailing need in psychotherapy is to help a person recognize what one loves, and to help that person let go of what gives one pain. How a person finds personal happiness may be what one sets out to do, yet somewhere along the way, life got complicated and one's choices became a little or a lot of what one does not want.
All of these questions are for you to answer in order to know yourself and to live a life you value and makes you happy. Knowing yourself is knowing what you truly, madly, deeply care about, what matters to you, and knowing how to live out these choices that start with what makes you happy and get to where you want to do and be. It is getting to know your self. It is getting to know that quiet little, little voice within you. It is letting your inner wisdom be heard.
It may be letting the distractions of life, the judgments, the negativity, the temptations of life be what they are and making your courageous and authentic choices from here. At various points along your life span, life has unique tasks for you to meet.
If you are an individual who is feeling depressed, anxious, negative, bored, easily irritable and angry, struggles with addictions, feels victimized or unappreciated, holds on to jobs/relationships you don't like or where you are not happy, an individual who seems to be cash-poor more often than financially secure, fear the worst, never have enough of what you want... If you are one of these individuals, you have lost touch with who you are and have stopped making authentic choices for yourself. Getting clear again with who you are and what your integrity calls for you is where psychotherapy or counseling can help you find yourself again. Courage commonly needs to be searched, found, and engaged in the therapeutic process and as your therapist I help you connect with yours.
Psychotherapy can help you step back from life and take a personal time out. It helps you locate the distress, the pain, the ennui, and what choices, beliefs, and attitudes are contributing to your pain or discomfort. As your therapist, I can listen to you and help you recognize your personal voice, guide, and encourage you to help you make your best efforts for change. When you are fully engaged in the counseling process, life becomes less about problems, stress, hardship, and impossibilities, and more about enjoyment, nonjudgmental living, what matters to you, possibilities and freedom.
In the depth of winter, I finally learned
there was in me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus